Designed as a guidebook into the nature and effects of today’s technologies, 'Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man' remains remarkably useful. Here are a few hints on how to make the most of it.
I was taught Medium is the Message in 11th or 12th grade in the early 90’s. I had either forgotten or not comprehended the idea of “medium” being anything that stretches our reach. In my mind that makes it synonymous with technology which makes sense but expands the idea of what a message is as well. I’ve got a lot of unpacking to do.
I'm curious about your thoughts about the differences between the print version of The Medium is The Message and the audio version. They are very different.
My take.
The print version is like a collection of disconnected images presented in a linear fashion.
The audio version is like symphony. It is something whole and complete like something Mahler would have created in our time.
TLDR: JUST BOOK THE COURSE, and ask your employer to pay for it, or find the investment. It's worth it.
This is for those of you fellow subscribers - I really recommend taking the Understanding Media Intensive course. I did a BA in History of Art, and an MA in Social & Cultural History. In all my years of being a dedicated and diligent student, Marshall McLuhan somehow was never in any of my bibliographies - in modules that studied Nationalism, Civil Society, Globalisation, The Making of Cultural Cities, etc... I wish I read UM sooner, and just relieved that I was able to do it in a much fresher context, with Andrew at the helm, and with amazing classmates who attended the course.
Unexpected benefits of doing this course? Solid friendships, and an equanimity in comprehending that while all is fubar, there is hope yet.
There is no silver bullet to ending the werewolf nightmares of society, but there are cures -- and awareness counts for much.
"Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe.
Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow.
For the truth is the greatest weapon we have." — H.G. Wells
I was taught Medium is the Message in 11th or 12th grade in the early 90’s. I had either forgotten or not comprehended the idea of “medium” being anything that stretches our reach. In my mind that makes it synonymous with technology which makes sense but expands the idea of what a message is as well. I’ve got a lot of unpacking to do.
I'm curious about your thoughts about the differences between the print version of The Medium is The Message and the audio version. They are very different.
My take.
The print version is like a collection of disconnected images presented in a linear fashion.
The audio version is like symphony. It is something whole and complete like something Mahler would have created in our time.
The Medium Is The Message is not the full version that is Understanding Media .
In order to appreciate the shorter TMITM audio and book, I suggest revisiting:
Yes, I know that.
I read Understanding Media fifty years ago in an undergraduate course of media.
The book and audio version of The Medium is the Message are examples of how the same content can have different effects because the medium changes.
TLDR: JUST BOOK THE COURSE, and ask your employer to pay for it, or find the investment. It's worth it.
This is for those of you fellow subscribers - I really recommend taking the Understanding Media Intensive course. I did a BA in History of Art, and an MA in Social & Cultural History. In all my years of being a dedicated and diligent student, Marshall McLuhan somehow was never in any of my bibliographies - in modules that studied Nationalism, Civil Society, Globalisation, The Making of Cultural Cities, etc... I wish I read UM sooner, and just relieved that I was able to do it in a much fresher context, with Andrew at the helm, and with amazing classmates who attended the course.
Unexpected benefits of doing this course? Solid friendships, and an equanimity in comprehending that while all is fubar, there is hope yet.
There is no silver bullet to ending the werewolf nightmares of society, but there are cures -- and awareness counts for much.
"Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe.
Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow.
For the truth is the greatest weapon we have." — H.G. Wells