“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.”

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Gossage died in 1969, so I missed the opportunity to meet him (Jerry Mander, his colleague, who also played a large role in the "save the Grand Canyon" campaign, just passed a bit ago). Happily, The Book of Gossage tells the tale, and in sufficient detail to make me jealous of the soirees at the top of the firehouse featuring the likes of Saroyan, and Caen, and similar. By the time I found my way to advertising, a lot of that "joie de" had leaked out of the industry; sadly, it's trended downward ever since.

Great pleasure to meet you and read your excellent posts. I truly love insights, particularly when they come with an insider's knowledge. Cordially - Jef Loeb

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Great article Andrew!! BBC Radio 4 broadcasted a nice piece on Gossage last week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001m4dk?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile

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Damn, do I love this. With your permission, I'm going to recommend it on LinkedIn, as part of an occasional blog series I write. On that score: please do tell about Gossage and Larson and your grandad. Talk about a pantheon of talent.

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Go ahead - and you can find me (Andrew McLuhan) on LinkedIn also.

McLuhan became a household name in the 60's not by accident, but by design. And the designer was 'the sage of San Francisco,' Howard Gossage. Maybe I'll crack that story in a future newsletter -- I recently acquired a remarkable piece of history via Abe Books which ties in.

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Could you maybe reflect on technologies like ChatGPT through the lense of “the medium is the message”? Or share what student think or say about this when you cover this with them?

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Well, that is a large topic, but here are a couple of ways to help you look at ChatGPT (or any other technology) for yourself:

"The medium is the message because the environment transforms our perceptions governing the areas of attention and neglect alike."

--Marshall McLuhan, speech, January 19, 1967

"The 'message' of any medium is the change of scale or pace or patterns that it introduces into human affairs."

--'Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man' (Marshall McLuhan, 1964)

"Each form of transport not only carries, but translates and transforms the sender, the receiver and the message. The use of any kind of medium ... alters the patterns of interdependence among people, as it alters the ratio among our senses."

--'Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man' (Marshall McLuhan, 1964)

One way I use McLuhan work to look at what is happening today is to take Marshall McLuhan's statements, and turn them into questions. From just those three quotes, we have a series of important and helpful questions to use to look at the nature and the effect of ChatGPT, or any other technology.

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McLuhan’s relationship with Gossage is a knife that cuts both ways ... (see Ted Carpenter) #justsayin .02

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